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Book Review: Chasing Illusions

Title: Chasing Illusions Author: Utakarsh Jayant Publisher: Frog Books  Genre: Fiction

Book Review: I'm Not A Retard!

Title:  I'm Not A Retard! Author:  Rajashree Anand  Publisher: Leadstart Publishing Pvt Ltd Genre: Fiction

In Conversation With Author NS Ravi..

Author Interview: NS Ravi, Author of Those were the days

Book Review: Karna's Alter Ego

Title:  Karna's Alter Ego Author:  Surendra Nath Publisher:  Dream House Publications Genre:  Mythological Fiction

Regenerative Winds

Listen! When the nature put on a spectacular foliage display, do not resist to start all over again. Let the crisp air refresh your skin. Let the pretty leaves fluttering from tree beautify your path. Wrap yourself in cozy layer…

Intriguing Visuals

I'm fascinated by pictures. As in the realness and vibrancy draws one near these pictures. A plethora of emotions are contained in them. Sooty emotions. Trifling emotions. Rapturous emotions. A whole range of emotions. …

Book Review: The Rose Bush

Title: The Rose Bush Author: Priyanka Lal Publisher:  Authors Pride Publisher Private Limited Genre: Fiction, Romance

Book Review: Spilling Down the Wine Glass

Title:  Spilling Down the Wine Glass Author:  Pushpendu Mondal Publisher : Rumour Books India Genre:  Adult Fiction, Romance

Book Review: Story of Tublu

Title:  Story of Tublu Author: Jahid Akhtar Publisher:  Lifi Publications Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Book Review: End of Story

Title:  End of Story  Author:   Arjun Shekhar Publisher: Hachette India Genre: Fiction, Thriller

Quotes love #3

QUOTES always have something for everyone. It can be a hope during times of despair, a powerful lesson, a source of strength in dark moments, or you may find words for the things left unsaid and the thoughts unexpressed or it…

The Showplace turns ONE! #Blogiversary

Time goes by so fast!

In Conversation with Author Sanchit Mehrotra..

Author Interview: Sanchit Mehrotra, Author of Nothing Between Us

In Conversation with Author Prathap Kamath..

Author Interview: Prathap Kamath, Author of Blood Rains & Other Stories

Book Review: Burning Sapphires

Title : Burning Sapphires Author : Suresh K Goswami Publisher:  Partridge Publishing Genre : Fiction

Book  Review: You’ll Live Again Let Me Die

Title : You’ll Live Again Let Me Die Author : Simson Biswal Publisher:  Dream House Publications Genre : Adult Fiction, Romance

 Book Review: Bombcase Baxi And Cleo

Title : Bombcase Baxi And Cleo Author : Bina Biswas & Sayantan Gupta Publisher: YS Books International Genre : Crime Fiction, Short story,Mystery,Thriller

Reinventing My Abode

"HOME" - A place which evokes several emotions. I am pretty sure each one of us can extract an image from this word. So, I thought of sharing my idea of a 'perfect' home and divulge how I would feather my nest…

Book Review:Nothing Between Us

Title : Nothing Between Us Author : Sanchit Mehrotra Publisher:  Srishti Publishers Genre : Adult fiction, Romance

Book Review: Blood Rains & Other Stories

Title : Blood Rains & Other Stories Author: Prathap Kamath Publisher: LiFi Publications Genre: Fiction,   Short Story, Thriller, Suspense

Book Review:Its For You…Mihi

Title : Its For You…Mihi Author:  MD Asif Publisher: Parlance Publishers Genre : F iction, Romance

Book Review: An Offbeat Story

Title : An Offbeat Story Author : Siddharth Srivastava Publisher: Leadstart Publishing Genre : Fiction, Young Adult

Book Review: Maya in Search Of her Trantric Father

Title: Maya in Search Of her Trantric Father Author : Vipin Behari Goyal Publisher:     Leadstart Publishing Genre : Fiction, Religious

Book Review: Harnam Sethi’s Journey to Self Discovery

Title : Harnam Sethi’s Journey to Self Discovery Author : P.S. Wasu Publisher: Life Positive Publications Genre:  Philosphical fiction

Book Review: The Fine Print of Life

Title : The Fine Print of Life Author : P.S. Wasu Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers Genre:  Philosphical fiction

Book Review: The Adventures Beyond Existence

Title : The Adventures Beyond Existence Author : Shreyan Laha Publisher: RIGI Publication Genre : Fiction, Paranormal romance

Book Review: Once it Flowers

Title : Once it Flowers Author: Vinod Kumar Shukla Translator : Satti Khanna Publisher: Harper Perennial Genre : Fiction

Book Review: Killer In High Heels

Title : Killer In High Heels Author : Geema Halliday Publisher: Brilliance Audio Genre : Adult   Fiction, Chick lit, Homor, Mystery

Book Review: Spying In High Heels

Title : Spying In High Heels Author : Gemma Halliday Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Genre :  Adult fiction, Chick lit, Romance, Mystery

Book Review: Rainbows in the Desert

Title : Rainbows in the Desert Author : Archana Pant Publisher: Lifi Publications Genre: Fiction, Short story

Book Review: Seeing The Girl

Title : Seeing The Girl Author : Anuradha Vijayakrishnan Publisher: Lifi Publications Genre : Fiction

Book Review: The Quest of the Sparrows

Title : The Quest of the Sparrows Authors : Kartik Sharma and Ravi Nirmal Sharma Publisher: Rupa & Co. Genre : Philosphical fiction, Religious

Book Review: More Men On My Mind

Title : More Men On My Mind Author : Radha Thomas Publisher: Rupa Publications Genre : Fiction, Romance, Chick lit

To the times when I chose to share my encounters with books, When I found books quite alluring and decided to put my thoughts on how I felt after reading them and gushing about the ones I loved!  And it was t…

Book Review: Secrets and Second Chances

Title : Secrets and Second Chances  Author : Anita Shirodkar Publisher: Rupa Publications Genre : Fiction, Mystery, Romance

Here's to the Heroes!

Let me take a trip down memory lane, I see those random flashes of fun-filled memories of childhood when you would take me to local parks on weekend mornings or play those puerile games with me.. Those lingering recollection…

Quotes love #2

There's definitely something sanguine about these quotes that have really made me feel all perked up and so I've decided to share them with you guys. Hope it fills you with alacrity and joy. Have a read!

May flew by..

Happy me! It's not just saying hello to June but having finished all my exams. Though been there several times, but then you know the difficult period is over. And after the three hours of writing on that wobbly wood…

Your Creations.

Lately, I find myself daydreaming a lot in the 60 minutes ride to college, in building some bizarre situations in head or envisioning the admiring glances of future or anticipating upcoming events. Being in sixth semester of my…

Book Review: Love, Films and Rock ‘n’ Roll

Title: Love, Films and Rock ‘n’ Roll Author: Swayam Ganguly Publisher:  Alchemy Publishers Genre: Adult fiction, Romance

Book Review: Operation Mom

Title : “Operation Mom - How I got my mother a life … and a man”  Author: Reenita Malhotra Hora Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers Genre: Young adult fiction, Chick lit

Book Review: Losing My Religion

Title: Losing My Religion Author:  Vishwas Mudagal Publisher:  Fingerprint Publishing Genre: Adult fiction, Romance

Book Review: Almost There But Yet Not Arrived

Title: Almost There But Yet Not Arrived Author: Sandeep Mishra Publisher:  Leadstart Publishing Genre:  Adult Fiction, Romance

Book Review: Lady You’re Not A Man

Hey there everyone! Not long ago, I've set out on a writing adventure. Everyone is entitled to their opinion about the things they read (or watch, or listen to, or taste, or whatever).They’re also entitled to express them…

Quotes love #1

Came across these wonderful quotes and felt like it's one of those must share things! Have a read! :)

Unforeseen thirteen.

While I was placing books in a neat pile in my room, all of a sudden my attention drifted to a book that I reviewed some months ago. “Operation Mom - How I got my mother a life … and a man” by Reenita Malhotra Hora - an en…

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