Happy me! It's not just saying hello to June but having finished all my exams. Though been there several times, but then you know the difficult period is over. And after the three hours of writing on that wobbly wood desk, when I finally tiptoe to the front to hand in my last exam, I felt like as if the Apocalypse is over and have been lead forward by Thee into that heaven of freedom..

Well it's not the final end to the sufferings but still there are few days to relax and recharge before the Judgement day. Honestly, I had planned n number of things to do after the exams but now all I want need to do is sleep and eat, of course.

Other than exams and semester workload, May has also been about procrastination. Right from my sandals which need to be mended/purchased to a much needed visit to a friend, everything is unresolved and booked for June. Also, I have not been writing much. In fact, I've not been writing at all. And if I would have a look at my reading in past month, it's been much lesser and has been pushed into June. Sigh.

There's also this strange fun that I am experiencing along with a trace of nervousness in my head. For a while, it makes me anxious when I realize that I've been falling into a deep slumber of vivid dreams, but then what fun it would be to drown yourself in work and come with amazing results. Right?

Goodbye May, Hello June. Be awesome. Barney awesome. :D

So, how did your May go?