To blooming with grace within her own realm of struggles and laughter
To seeking validation from nobody, but herself for being stitched with flaws
To coming back stronger every time when people try to bury her self-worth with their prolonged Q&A sessions
To setting goals and being an advocate of her own happiness
To juggling hats and branching out professionally and personally
To be able to conquer the world by unleashing her hidden power of intuition and perseverance

She is truly a living embodiment of strength, compassion and togetherness in this constant emotional frenzy and turmoil around her..
And she's still moving forward, bit by bit, to earn the life that she has always dreamt of!

In a world where eyes are trained on indiscretions, let's create a equally enabled world where we acknowledge every woman and her support providers for being understanding of the fact that nobody, absolutely nobody, can be decisive and precise about a woman's life.

Let's help each other grow and realize to not to comply to socially constructed standards of living, but create our very own space for peaceful living while keeping it pristine and intact.

Happy Women's Day to all the incredible women out there!